K a n s a s   C i t y
M i s s o u r i​
N o v e m b e r ​ 1 3 – 1 5​,  2 0 2 4​

Aviation Safety InfoShare


The Aviation Safety InfoShare LEADING EDGE AWARD, established by the InfoShare Steering Committee, recognizes an individual for their commitment and contribution, through exceptional efforts in collaboration and information sharing, to enhancing aviation safety.

The LEADING EDGE AWARD is presented at each InfoShare.

When Can I Nominate?  Nominations for the LEADING EDGE AWARD November 2024 are now open!

The deadline for nomination submissions is October 1, 2024.

Who Can Nominate?  Any person eligible to attend Aviation Safety InfoShare can nominate a candidate for an award.  Nominating individuals must have the endorsement of two additional individuals.

Members of the InfoShare Steering Committee may not be nominated.

Who Can Be Nominated?  The LEADING EDGE AWARD nominations are open to individuals whose efforts have contributed to the advancement of information sharing in the aviation community. Candidates must have actively participated in Aviation Safety InfoShare and demonstrated their commitment to advancing voluntary safety programs beyond the organization for which the nominee works.

An Aviation Safety InfoShare LEADING EDGE AWARD nominee—

  • Actively participates in Aviation Safety InfoShare to include presenting, speaking, or championing initiatives that have helped advance InfoShare.
  • Champions aviation safety information sharing across the community.
  • Works collaboratively across the community beyond their organizations to advance voluntary safety programs.
  • Has dedicated efforts throughout their career that have made a lasting impact on aviation safety.


Supporting Your Nomination

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